
Plastic Free July: Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste At Home

Written by: Susan Le

Date: Jul 2, 2022

The Arctic Ocean is the world’s coldest but smallest ocean. It might be small but it is home to the world’s most loved sea animals like fluffy polar bears, mighty walruses, fun-loving fur seals, friendly-looking dolphins, and unicorn-like narwhals. But there’s something making our sea animal friends and scientists around the world worried - it’s the melting sea ice, clear evidence of climate change. 

Plastic waste has a lot to do with the climate change we see worldwide including what is happening in the Arctic Ocean. Sadly, the fashion industry makes up 73% of the plastic  fibres that have been found in the Arctic Ocean. The industry uses it to make materials like polyester, nylon, and acrylic. The number is big but still does not include the plastic packaging used by the industry. Plastic packaging itself makes up 26% of all the plastic made every year. 

As a business in the fashion industry, we understand the impact we can make on the environment. That’s why we've committed to reducing our carbon footprint at Petite Revery. We know we aren’t perfect but we’re constantly researching and innovating to make sure we can do as much as we can. This July, we’re taking action against plastic waste by being a part of Plastic Free July and we hope you join us! 

Plastic Free July

Every year, millions of people around the world join the Plastic Free July global movement to reduce their use of single-use plastic items. The movement, created by the Plastic Free Foundation urges people to take this challenge in any capacity - from as little as a week to as big as a month. To start, they’ve provided a handy 31-day calendar of plastic-free choices you can make each day like switching from bottle to bar soap and buying local. 

Petite Revery’s Efforts to Reduce Plastic Waste

Petite Revery is committed to being a part of the solution. We know the impact of plastic packaging on the planet but also know its importance of it. Plastic packaging for our products keeps them clean and safe for your kids. That’s why we use EcoPure®. This is an organic ingredient that is added to plastic packaging and makes it fully biodegradable. 

Like Nest Designs, our parent brand, we are constantly finding ways to make our products better for the planet. For example, instead of using plastic buttons, we use recycled buttons for products like our French Terry Baseball Jacket. We try to source recycled materials when pos

5 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Waste as a Family

You can be a part of the change with your family too! Here are 5 ways to reduce your plastic waste at home: 

  1. Buy Less: As your kids grow, you’ll need to get new things. Instead of buying everything new, consider buying second-hand items or sharing them in a pool with friends. 
  2. Buying Bulk: This is not only good for the planet but will also save you money. Besides food, some other items you might not have thought of include: toilet paper, detergent, shampoo and conditioner, and pet food. 
  3. Have a plastic-free picnic on the beach or at the park: Pack your own plates, cups, and utensils and head to the beach or park for a plastic-free picnic! Don’t forget to bring those bulk snacks you bought and any homemade goodies too!
  4. Do a plastic audit together at home: This can be a fun activity to do as a family. Go around the house and you might be surprised at how much plastic there actually is. Some things people usually miss include garbage can liners, combs, razors, and floss.
  5. Make a to-go kit and leave it in your car: Change can be tough but it can be easier when you’re prepared! A to-go kit can include a reusable shopping bag, reusable product bag, bamboo or stainless steel straw, reusable bottle, and reusable cutlery and plates. 

Fun Ways to Get Your Kids Involved! 

We’re true believers that “play is a child’s work” and is how they learn best. Here are some fun ways to get your kids involved: 

  • Play a Recycling Sorting Game: This is great for kids 18 months+ as they’re learning to match and sort and older kids too. You can prepare by getting the items first like used containers. Then grab the appropriate recycling bins and have your kids sort the items. 
  • Make a Reusable Tote Together: Buy some reusable totes at the craft store, grab some art supplies, and decorate your totes together. This is a great rainy day activity for littles of all ages! 
  • Marine Cleanup Sensory Bin: Sensory bins are always a hit at any age. You can use kinetic sand for the beach in one bin and water for the ocean in another and place items in like plastic bottle caps, plastic wrap, and straws. This is a great way to talk about the impact of plastic waste on the ocean and marine life. 

At Petite Revery, we want our impact on the planet to be big in a good way! Our hope is that your kids will be able to enjoy it in the same ways or even better than how we were able to. Will you be a part of the change with us? How will you reduce your use of single-use plastics? Let us know! 

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